lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

At the end, the end arrives

After having been teaching during one semester about Counseling and Guidance at Schools, I want to say that it is a very important part of the School. However, the role and action of School Guidance and Counseling is not only its responsability, for making this action effective it is necessary a good communication and relationship between Counselor, teachers and parents. But we do not have to forget that Counselor is the head of this guide, if we take into account the cooperation aforementioned, Counselor is a supportive agent, the one who guides teachers and parents into attention to diversity process.

From my point of view, this subject has been important because it treats real problems to which we will have to deal in a not so far future. It is not a subject in which just theory is given, in which you feel bored and you ask yourself: why am I studying this for?

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

School Guidance Plan Presentation

Today we have done our School Guidance Plan Presentation. Regrettably  it was not as good as we expected so we will repeted in few days. We will do it perfect then !
The rest of the presentation were good ones, everyone has been working hard to achieve this work.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012


Today we have learnt how to deal and success in an interview with parents. I found it interesting because it is something that we will have to do in our future job, and it is good to know how to deal with it and succeed in it.

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

Good examples

Last two sessions had been spent in real examples of Guidance. The first one is a talk about Mentoring between equals, you can know about it in the part of this blog called "Mentoring between equals". The second one is a School Counselor talk, you can know about ir in the part of this blog called "A good example to be guided by".
Hope you enjoy it !

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Let's start School Guidance Plan

Today we have started to work in our next and final groupal work: to elaborate a school School Guidance Plan. I hope that this one will be as successful as the previous ones. The main information to develop this activity is the following one, although teacher has made us able to look at some examples of real School Guidance Plans.

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Attention to diversity and collaborative debate

Today in class we have done a debate as a way of closing attention to diversity activities. We stated putting on common its meaning and the things we have learnt by doing these activities. As I have said before, attention to diversity is a very important factor in our future role as teachers.
After it, we have talked about collaborative learning, a topic which came to the topic because the most of the activities happened in a collaborative learning context, with the rest of the students cooperating among them. Here we deal with two concepts: collaborative learning and teams work. The following video is going to show us what exactly collaboration and teams work is.

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Diversity activities

The last three sessions were the exposition of our groupal works. All the groups explain the contents they had and they completed the information with an activity in which the rest of the class took part. They have been great presentations and I personally enjoyed a lot doing the activities, especially with one in which we made a contest and for each good answer we received a sweet. As children, we tried to answer the most of them in the correct way. In this example we see that motivation is the best way to get what you want from your audience, whether children or adults.