Our diversity activity

The diversity activity carried out by my group starts with a game. In this game, each student has a paper with the answer to one of the question we will ask. The students are together in a mess-mass, trying that any of them is taken out of it by us. If one of them is taken out of the mess-mass, he or she has to search for the answer, which can be in his or her paper on one of their partners. The questions we asked and the answers that students had are the following ones:

1. What do measures for meeting students’ need in mainstream education schools range? From the more ordinary to the completely extraordinary nature ones.

2. Who are taken into account in target groups? Students attending schools as a whole and those with specific need of educational support.

3. Why does the autonomous education Authorities draw up attention to diversity plans? In order to implement education measures and actions allowing the maximum adaptation of the teaching-learning processes to the whole students’ characteristics.

4. What are ordinary measures? Those having an impact on the school general organisation, such as the organisation of the students groups; the strategies favouring universal accessibility and allowing complete and active students’ participation when; tutor and guidance activity; spaces use.

5. What are extraordinary measures? Those are aimed at meeting the most specific education needs of the students and they complement the ordinary ones in many cases.

6. When are extraordinary measures applied? Only in compulsory education (students from 6 to 16 years old).

7. Which are the main extraordinary measures in attention to diversity? Significant curricular adaptations, curricular diversification programmes, Initial Vocational Qualification Programmes (IQVP), making the stay in the education level more flexible.

8. Which students need specific attention to diversity? Those with disability or severe behavioral disorder, those with learning difficulties, highly gifted students and those with late entry into the Education System.

9. What do Special Education Classrooms in mainstream education mean to students with disability or severe behavioral disorder? They adapted cluster programmes aimed at the students with severe physical, psychological or sensory disabilities, or severe personality or behavioral disorders.
10. How is possible Educational support by specialised teachers to students with disability or severe behavioural disorder? Inside or outside the classroom, individually or in small group, depending on the student needs and on the basis of the curricular adaptation made.

11. How many years more do Students with disability or severe behavioural disorder need? One year than expected for the rest of students not only in Primary Education, but also in Compulsory Secondary Education.

12. What are the most frequent learning difficulties to Students with learning difficulties? Those related to oral language, reading (reading retardation and/or dyslexia), writing and calculus

13. What are the most used measures for attending students with learning difficulties? Those related to materials and diversified resources, supporting groups and methodological strategies.

14. What advantages does The Education System offer to the highly gifted students? The possibility to make the stay in the education level more flexible as an answer for these students, anticipating schooling or reducing its length.

15. What are the measures provided by the Education System for late entry students? Specific programmes so as to meet lacks in language, basic competences or essential knowledge, with the purpose of making their integration into the corresponding year easier.

16. What are two kinds of measures of Programmes teaching the language of host society? Linguistic classrooms and Linguistic and curricular reinforcement activities.

17. What students are addressed into Host Programmes? Not only the foreign students, but also all those students who incorporate late into the Education System.

18. What are the objectives of programmes for teaching native language and culture? To keep on studying their native language while learning host language

19. How can we make the stance at the education level more flexible to Students who enter late into the Education System? Those with a gap in their curricular competence of more than 2 years or an education stage can be enrolled in the previous year to that age-appropriate.

20. The measure “Information to immigrant families on the Spanish Education System and promotion of their participation in their children’s education process”, what does it do? Through it, they receive the necessary advice about their rights, duties and opportunities, not only concerning the education field, but also other useful resources of the education environment.

After doing this game, we explained the information that is in the page of this blog called “Diversity”.

A thing that we should do to improve it is to introduce a way of evaluating what students have learnt with the activity and the explanation. With this, the activity will be perfect. We will do it for the next time!

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