
We have done a kind of exam as a way of finishing WebQuest and Group of Experts activities. I say that it was a kind of exam because it is going to be corrected be us, not by the teacher. Each person corrects his exam. The exam was structured in five parts, one per group of experts. Here you got the exam and the correct answers:
            - In which principles is it based? Describe them briefly.
            It is based on 2006 Education Act. In it is said that:
·         It is a right for every student.
·         It constitutes a fundamental intervention for making real the principles of equity and education equality in basic education although it must be extended lifelong.
·         It is based on the principles of prevention, development and global intervention.
·         Their target groups are students, families and education professionals.
·         It is responsibility of the whole school community, although counsellors assume a leading role.
·         It is carried out by trained and prestigious professionals.
·         It requires some comprehensive plans for diversity attention and network.

            - Target groups.
            Target groups are students, families and education professionals.

            - Explain the relation between LOE and the decrees of the Autonomous Communities.
            The LOE provides that the education Authorities are responsible of guidance development, so, currently, most of the Autonomous Communities have passed specific regulations for its complete or partial organisation. In addition, many aspects related to the functions and the structure of the educational guidance are regulated by the Decrees on the curriculum of Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) of the Autonomous Communities and by the organic rules of the school.

            - In which function of Guidance would you set “Welcoming Plans”?
            “Welcoming Plans” would be set in the function of Educative prevention and intervention.

            - Explain the function “Diagnose” briefly.
            Diagnose functions make reference to the execution of psychopedagogical evaluations, psychopedagogic reports or proposals for students’ schooling.

            - Describe how the level of direct intervention at Schools is organized and the main differences between Pre – Primary, Primary and Secondary School.
            The organisation of the guidance model allows establishing three intervention levels:
·        At classroom level, it is the framework where the set of actions established in the tutorial action plan of the school are included. These actions are developed by the tutor and all the teachers of a group of students. In ESO is pointed out that this tutorial action plan must “pay special attention to the educational an professional guidance of the students” and, one of the tutor’s functions is described as “inform, guide and give advice to the students about their learning process and their academic and professional possibilities”.

·        The level of direct intervention at schools puts together different guidance structures. In Pre – Primary and Primary Education there is a clear predominance of guidance structures that are external to schools (Education and Psychopedagogic Guidance Teams), while in Secondary Education they are usually internal to schools (Guidance Departments). This level gathers the actions related to the direct work with students, teachers and families, counselling on the process  of preparing the school documentation, the set up of prevention measures, diagnosis and intervention with students and, sometimes, teaching.

·        The third level in guidance organisation model is direct or specific intervention with schools, formed by external structures that function as support for the structures of direct intervention abovementioned. At the same time, they carry out coordination functions between the different schools in the same area, keeping institutional communication and between professionals.

            - What type of degree do you need to hold in order to be a member of a Guidance Unit or Team?
            You need to hold a Licenciado or Bachelor’s degree in Pedagogy, Psychology and Psycho – pedagogy in order to be a member of a Guidance Unit or Team.

            - Brief profile description of the three roles that could part of a Guidance Team.
            There are there main roles that could part of a Guidance Team. These roles are:
·        The class teacher, through tutoring, is the person responsible for the guidance of pupils. At pre – primary and primary education level, they focus on pupils’ satisfactory integration in the group of classmates, whereas at secondary education, they focus on more specific aspects of academic and professional guidance.

·        School counsellors working at non – university educational institutions belong to the body of secondary education teachers, in particular, to the specialisation of Educational Guidance. Their duties are to provide support, advice and specific guidance to all students at non – university levels, as well as to cooperate with educational establishments and their teaching staff in the development of projects for different activities, tutorials, and academic and professional guidance.

·        Social workers are members of the Educational and Psycho – pedagogical Guidance Teams, Guidance Units or Guidance Departments at non – university educational institutions. They belong to the body of Technical Teachers of Vocational Training specialised in Community Services and are mainly responsible for identifying pupils with a low attendance record, analysing the causes of their problems, and guaranteeing their return and successful reintegration into school.

            - Give two examples of the recent tasks which have been recently defined (2011) related to the Attention, Guidance and Professional Insertion of University Students.
            Two examples of the recent tasks which have been recently defined (2011) related to the Attention, Guidance and Professional Insertion of University Students are:
            1. To establish a system of comprehensive attention to students and university degree holders in the framework of the European Higher Education Area, responding to their needs and demands in the new educative and social context.
            2. To promote specialised attention programmes aimed at future students, university students and university degree holders.

            - What are the Centres for Guidance and Information on Employment (COIE) in charge of?
            The Centres for Guidance and Information on Employment (COIE) are in charge of giving guidance for finding a job to university degree holders and students in the last years of university education, and of informing about the existing training and professional choices. Regarding employment, they can provide internships in companies, or training and incorporation to work courses, or offer the companies a free service for covering some vacancies in an initial selection phase.

            - Give two examples of grants for university students and another two of specific measures for disabled students.
·         Two examples of grants for university students are:
                        1. Salary grants for university students.
                        2. Study grants aimed at favouring the stay on education for youth at risk of dropout without any degree.

·         Two examples of specific measures for disabled students are:
                        1. Equal opportunities for students and other disabled members of the university community, removing any form of discrimination and establishing positive action measures aimed at assuring their fully and effective participation in the university field.
                        2. Total exemption from paying any public fees in the studies leading to the obtaining of a university degree for disabled students.

            - Where do we find the following topics or subjects in terms of Guidance in Vocational Training Studies: “Learning opportunities”, “Creation and management of an enterprise and self – employment”, “Work Organisation”?
            We find the following topics or subjects in terms of Guidance in Vocational Training Studies (learning opportunities, creation and management of an enterprise and self – employment, and work organisation) in the following part of the text:
            “This kind of training is aimed at getting knowledge on several topics: learning opportunities; work opportunities; work opportunities; creation and management of an enterprise and self – employment; work organisation and enterprise relationships; basic labour legislation; legislation concerning equal opportunities and non – discrimination against disabled people; as well as the tights and duties coming from labour relationships, in order to ease of the access to employment or the reintegration into the labour market.”

            - In which programmes/services do we talk about the possibility of recognize and certify experienced knowledge and skills? How is the Guidance in those cases?
            In the programme or service of “Recognising the professional competences acquired by work experience”, we can talk about the possibility of recognize and certify experienced knowledge and skills. In this case we can find guidance in order to make easier for adults lifelong learning, integration and insertion into working, and personal and professional progression, a proceeding for assessing and certifying professional skills acquired through work experience or non – formal training has been established, as well as the effects that this assessment and certification process may have. In this aspect, Education and Labour Authorities assure an open and permanent service that provides information and guidance on the process and the official certificates that can be got. During this process, guidance is compulsory and has an individualised or collective nature, depending on the characteristics of the concrete call and on candidates’ needs.

            - Why is the Adult Education and Training in itself and specific support measure?
            Adult Education and Training itself is a specific support measure for promoting equal opportunities for everyone, particularly immigrant adults. Adult Education and Training is aimed at correcting the risks of social exclusion, especially in the most disadvantage sectors, at guaranteeing the chance to increase and update the mature people’s competences, at promoting equal rights and opportunities for men and women, at facilitating the inclusion of immigrant people, and at providing an appropriate attention to those people with a specific need for educational support. Likewise, in penitentiary establishments the access to these studies is ensured for the prison population.

            5. FREE-ANSWER QUESTION: (1 point)
            - Add one more question to each part that you would consider important in order to get the main key concepts.
            - Regarding Guidance and Education in Early Childhood and School Education: How to know when an Early Childhood Children have a problem.

            - Regarding Guidance and Education in Higher Education: Who provides Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education?

            - Regarding Guidance and Counselling in Lifelong Learning: How can we keep on learning even when we are teachers?

            - Regarding Support Measures for Learners in Adult Education and Training: How to deal with students that could be older than us.

            For finishing, I would like to share with you the information in which this exam is based.
              - Part 1 is based on: 
              - Part 2 is based on:
              - Part 3 is based on:

             - Part 4 is based on:

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