Our School Guidance Plan

We have developed a wide School Guidance Plan, but this Power Point is the part in which we have focused on and, probably, the most important ones.
School guidance plan
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- Introduction

- Objectives

- Resources

- Development of counselling

- Coordination of the Tutorial Action

- Tutorial work and response to conflict resolution

- Attention to diversity

- Annexes

- Bibliography

            Our Plan of Tutorial Action and Educational Counseling will be used as a framework to define the general principles of the Tutoring and Guidance in Educational Project. It will also be used also as a framework document for the development of Curriculum Project of the various stages of education in relation to:
            - Organization of the Action Plan Tutorial and Educational Guidance.
            - Establish strategies for Orientation and Tutorial Action.
            - Times and specific instruments.
            - Type of information to parents, teachers and students.
            - Coordination of those involved in the Guidance.
            - Incorporation of models / protocols to facilitate the tasks of guidance and tutoring.

            With respect to the P.G.A. (Annual General Programme) shall determine the objectives, actions and times for the exercise of the function Tutorial in each academic year and according to priorities established by the teaching team.

            1. To facilitate positive transitions for students entering and leaving the school
            2. To develop and maintain students record which reflect an accurate and complete picture of each student
            3. To provide a broader vision of educational and vocational opportunities for students
            4. To create appropriate educational alternatives for students and help students access necessary services
            5. To help new students adapt to the school

            1. To facilitate effective communication between home and school to monitor student progress and support student success
            2. To establish effective community relationships to help support students and families

            1. To provide crisis intervention as needed
            2. To help students plan for their futures and obtain goals
            3. To help students cope with stressful situations and collaborate on problem solving with staff, students and parents
            4. To provide for the social, emotional and academic needs of students

            But, in addition, we have some specific objectives to each Cycle of Primary. These objectives can be seen in Annexes III, IV and V.

            The organization and use of human and material resources available to the Guidance Department for the attention to diversity
            - Human resources
                        - A counselor
                        - A full-time PT teacher
                        - All the tutorials
            - Material resources
                        - Special education classroom
                        - Five computers in the classroom, four of them with internet connection
                        - Specific software
                        - Bibliographic type material, movies ... for attention to diversity

            These materials are located in the Department of Guidance and Special Education Classroom and are available to all teachers during the time they are needed.

            1. Individual and grouped actions regarding the pupils of the classroom
            1.1 Performing consistently with all students in your classroom the tasks of counseling:
            - Organization of reception and integration activities for new students (Annex I)
            - Development of rules, both classroom and school ones, taking into account the rights and duties of pupils included in the RRI
            - Provide information to students about:
                        - Organization and operation of the school and the concrete class.
                        - Criteria and procedures of evaluation.
                        - Methodology to be used in the development each curriculum area.
                        - Specific objectives and features of the level.
                        - Allowing students a schedule where they can be helped individually, if necessary.
                        - Advise students regarding their promotion to the Institute (pupils of the sixth grade).
            - Analyze, discuss, propose solutions and improvement proposals of:
                        - Issues of class and / or other issues that may affect the personal and social dynamics: Conflicts or problems will be need to respond immediately and individually with the students involved but it will also be necessary to extrapolate these issues and deal with them in depth with all students in the classroom, so that there is an awareness and gain involvement and commitment in the adoption of good behaviors. Because of this, in each weekly tutorial, it will have a specific time during school hours.
                        - Overall performance of the class: individual work organization, time commitment, study techniques...
            With these actions, the growth of the students will impact positively on:
                        - Taking responsibility
                        - Participatory and collaborative attitudes
                        - Tolerance and solidarity attitudes
            1.2 Individual attention for students with special educational needs: integration, compensatory, lack of coordination curricular…, which involves the development of specific and/or adapted materials, establishment of open and/or flexible groups.., in collaboration with support teachers and, depending on resources and needs of students.

            2. Records and reports of students:
            2.1 The tutors must keep a Register with date and relevant data about:
            - Initial assessment
            - Continuous assessment throughout the course
            - Registration of data about:
              The personal, social and familiar situation will be completed in the time of admission of students in the school, and preferably made by the tutor of the classroom in which the student will be incorporated in, through interviews with family, if possible before the course begins and if not, during the first days. (Registration Model: Annex II) Such Register shall enter the student's file at the Registry. Each tutor will update those significant data regarding:
                        - The process of learning of each student.
                        - Dynamic and cohesion in the functioning of the group – classroom.
                        - Individual performance in different areas (progress and difficulties)
                        - Individual interviews held by the tutor with students.
                        - Specific situations of bullying, if any (Annex VII)
            2.2 The tutors must complete the Evaluation Report of individual students at the end of course.
            The report must:
                        - Allow to know the student situation clearly regarding the objectives and assessment criteria.
                        - Contain measures to strengthen and adapt the curriculum compared to students who require them.

            2.3 Filling in an individualized special report on transfer of a student throughout the school year and may use the model Annual Report of the level to which the student, adjusted to the time of learning in which the transfer occurs.

            3. Performances with respect to the families
            3.1 Meetings with the whole parents.
            It shall be at least three meetings, one per term. The topics which will be covered are in the model call.
            After holding and in meeting cycle, will be valued the attendance of families and the conduct of meetings to decide issues of change and improvement in future calls, if any.
            The family who does not attend the meeting will provide a summary of the discussion. The statement shall consist of a Receive, to be returned signed to make sure the family has received it.
            In order to facilitate the attendance of families, it is recommended that such meetings be held from 16:30 h. given the high percentage of students using the school cafeteria because their parents work and often, in working conditions, it is difficult to obtain a permit.
            To prevent children from interfering with the development of the meetings the school will establish a system of kindergarten students for Pre-Primary and first Primary Cycle.

            3.2 Making individual interviews with parents:
            - Initial interview to collect and / or update personal, familiar and social data.
            - Other interviews: called by the tutor or requested by the family. Of them will take a Register where shall include the citation date, the topics addressed, and, when appropriate, non-attendance of family and the new call. Those cases, in which the family did not go to repeated citations without cause, will be passed to Headquarters of Studies.
            - It will also cite the family to deal with any of the following topics:
                        - No - course promotion.
                        - Need for curricular adaptations or individualized care.
                        - School absenteeism problems.
                        - Matters relating to discipline.
                        - School performance.

            3.3 Term Information of the evaluation of the pupils by means of a Bulletin of Grades that:
            - Has to coincide with the established with the Project Curricular
            - Must reflect the progresses and difficulties of the pupil in the different areas as well as aspects of affective behavior - social
            - Must include the orientations of the teacher.
            - Must gather the curricular adjustments when they are necessary.
            - Has to include space in order that the parents it sign and formulate his observations, if they wish it.

            3.4 To provide guidelines and orientations to the families with regard to possibilities of leisure and work, at least in holidays periods. In Primary every cycle/level will elaborate a specific material both of reinforcement and recovery of school learning.

            3.5 In order to have a daily and more direct treatment with the families, the parents of Infantile Education will go to the classrooms to gather his children at the hours of the exit.

            1. Coordination for the C.C.P. and the Cloister
            At the beginning of every academic course, the C.C.P. once constituted, will fix a calendar of coordinated actions directed to achieving that the exercise of the labor tutorial affects in those aspects that are fixed by priority in the P.G.A. of this course.

            2. Coordination of the Headquarters of Studies with the Tutors:
            2.1. Dates of meetings. They will be fixed to beginning of course, at least one to the term

            2.2. Topics to treating:
            - Content and exercise of the Tutorship (application of the Action plan)
            - Ways of channelling the coordination.
            - Production, review and evaluation of the Institutional Documents.

            2.3. To reach agreements on:
            - Attention to the diversity of the pupils with difficulties
            - Conduction of the class in which they present situations and cases that suppose lacks of conviviality or indiscipline.
            - Sense of the house rules and application.
            - Self-esteem of students.
            - Encouraging positive behaviors and attitudes toward learning.
            - Balance of the tasks that are sent to students to make at home.
            - Educational guidance: to awaken and guide preferences, interests ...
            - Developing the classroom group established to plan the development of Study Skills.

            2.4. Provide the appropriate documents for the implementation of the agreements. Carry these agreements to the C.C.P. and to the Faculty if it is considered necessary for its discussion and approval.

            3. Tutor Coordination with other teachers involved in the same group, in the following areas:
            3.1 Programming activities:
            - The tutor must know the contents worked by specialists’ teachers and the supportive activities performed by students in their group
            - Coordinate the tasks proposed to be performed by students at home

            3.2 Attention to a.c.n.e.e. in collaboration with supportive teachers and the Counselor.
            - Development Curriculum Adaptations
            - Adapting materials for a.c.n.e.e.
            - Evaluation of the process

            3.3 Intervention in Conflict
            - Act to solve disputes arising usually from their students (Annex VI)

            3.4 Continuous evaluation
            - At meetings of the tutor assessment includes:
                        - Skills in different areas
                        - Comments on progress and difficulties
            - Know the progress of a.c.n.e.e. and sets priorities for action.
            - Collect information and proposals from other teachers about their students or group of students in particular, as well as interviews of specialist teachers with parents, collecting data after them.

            3.5 Final Evaluation:
            - The tutor announces the final evaluation meeting and decides on the promotion or not the student, with the advice of other teachers.
            - It provides the following course tutor documentation appropriate.

            4. Coordination with tutors and Advisor Team Orientation
            The Advisor assists in the preparation and development of the Educational and Tutorial Action Plan of the school by:
            - Advice / suggestions / writing, oral and practical and theoretical papers.
            - Study and diagnosis of students with suspected cases of intellectual disability or severe emotional problems in their treatment and counseling, on request from / to tutor / to the / a student / a. Also for students suspected of need for treatment in Hearing and Speech.
            - Collaboration with tutors and support teachers in monitoring the a.c.n.e.e. and orientation of their schooling.
            - Develop a meeting schedule with the Support Team: PT, Speech Therapist, Teacher… of Compensatory Education.
            - Provision to tutors

            Given that school is a social entity whose main objective is to prepare for life, it is important to consider and from the following considerations:
            The operation of a group responds to the interrelationships of those persons that integrate it. It is necessary that these interactions occur in a climate of acceptance, trust, respect and security.
            We must be aware that in schools like ours there are some risk factors associated with family and personal characteristics that trigger conflict situations and require more involvement and effort by teachers.
            We work with some children receiving emotional pressure so strong that in many cases, what appears to manifest as disrespect, disobedience or disruptive behavior is simply the inability to control the tension caused by this emotional state.It is essential to foster the development of resilience in children (human capacity to face adversity, overcome them and leave them stronger). Hence the importance of setting organizational and methodological aspects: time, strategies ... towards achieving the following objectives:
            - Improve understanding of one's emotions and develop skills that will help control them.
            - Identify the emotions of others.
            - Prevent adverse effects of own and others' negative emotions
            - Develop skills to generate positive emotions.
            Ultimately it comes to generating emotional strength in children from small, creating resilience step by step. (Annex X).
            Noting further curricular differences as significant levels that occur in students in each classroom, there should be some criteria for the distribution and grouping of students in the classroom such as:
            - Put students into small groups to facilitate priori communication.
            - Take into account the personal characteristics of students to offset inequalities and disadvantages, both intellectual and behavioral.
            - Establish key performance standards of the group among its members and between them and the rest of the groups: assign responsibility on a rotational basis, a spokesman for the group or activity, consensus-making ...
            - Determine collective explanations times, job sharing and work for individual reflection.

            Aspects related to Methodology:
            Considering the child star of their own learning the initial task of the teacher has to be put in a position to learn. When addressing any project work, teaching unit, etc.. the teacher has to know what the level of the student is to develop the curriculum for the content he wants to work and will need from a sharing with the students to:
            - Set the contents to be working.
            - Schedule time and methodology.
            - Select the resources to use.
            Never use the textbook as the main teaching resource, since it prevents the development adequately to acquire different learning strategies that enable the individual contribution in the development of content to learn.
            It is desirable that the student, at the end of primary education, was able to develop some specific issues: finding resources, organizing, structuring ideas, draw conclusions and present their work in writing.
            Do not forget the school as a factor of socialization and training in living-all method that encourages the exchange of ideas, helping colleagues, responsibility for individual and group work, dialogue, collaboration, consensus, etc.. contribute to achieving these objectives.
            We believe that certain factors may favour a good living. These factors are:
            - The planning of a series of strategies and activities to educate and develop empathy.
            Empathy is a very competitive intelligence and therefore susceptible to develop. It paves the way to tolerance and altruism, two fundamental values for a harmonious coexistence. Whether a child can get over the other is the starting point for a proper understanding and resolving a situation of confrontation or conflict.
            - Planning strategies and activities to improve self-esteem.
            The assessment that a person makes of itself a function of self-opinion about their peers and adults have about him / her.
            A positive self-esteem is an important factor in social and emotional adjustment.
            Related to the self-esteem one finds the self-confidence concept, which is conceived as the confidence in the own skills in the hope to obtain aims. Our expectations like teachers on a pupil determine with complete certainty theirs.
            Because of it, the counseling labor has to direct essentially to promoting in our pupils these competitions.
            "Nobody can realize successfully a work, if he does not feel qualified for it ".
            - The utilization of resources for a suitable resolution of conflicts.
            The conflicts always have to arise; they are inevitable and in addition, help to admit the own limits, the needs and rights of the others; because of it, it is so important that they are solved adequately. A not decisive conflict is a source of more troubled situations that generally acquire a major dimension that those of the initial conflict. If the conflicts are slight the same children can solve them if suitable riverbeds are provided to them. If the conflict is not very serious they will solve it with the help of the tutor.
            Those conflicts that, for his gravity or because they are given of reiterative form, or because they affect negatively in the dynamics of the classroom, or they produce social alarm, need a more specific intervention, the tutor will derive them towards the mediator or mediators of the school. The tutor will announce the children the figure of the mediator and his functions to the beginning of the school course and will facilitate the riverbeds of intervention. (Annex VIII).
            In conclusion:
            The system of relations between the teachers affects of significant form in the educational aims of the school.
            The teachers are the mirror in which the pupils look. A school in which the values of the teachers do not materialize in good interpersonal relations, cooperative work, mutual support, etc., it will determine in a sense or other one the environment in which the desirable competitions have to develop in the pupils. It will be needed to check what is the system of interpersonal relations and the habits of work of the professionals of the education, not to judge them, but to collaborate in the construction of a social positive fabric between them.
            Great part of the climate of interpersonal relations of the school comes from the studding of professional relations between the adults, who mark the guideline of values, the coherence of expositions, the educational and the general image of the school.

            In this area are located actions to respond to several situations that might present pupils, both curricular and personal, be aware that diversity must be understood broadly and positive. Not only must we consider the recovery aspects of personal difficulties but also the possibility of providing opportunities enlargement of knowledge.
            The overall objectives for the attention to diversity
            - Getting a quality educational attention about the specific and differential needs of pupils
            - Meet in a personalized way the special education classroom to students with specific educational needs deemed attend this class according to their circumstances and needs.
            - Advise the educational equipment so that pupils with specific educational needs have access to a curriculum adapted
            - Guide teachers in relation to assessment and recovery activities, and collaborate with them in the prevention and detection of potential educational difficulties
            - Advice to individual teachers, teams and departments didactic education in regard to: strengthening pedagogical programme, criteria for evaluation and promotion of students, curricular adaptations...
            - Facilitate the full integration of special education students in the center and in the social environment in which they live
            - Promote the use of computers and their possibilities for the acquisition and reinforcement of both knowledge and intellectual skills

            The criteria for attention to students with specific educational needs are the following one:
            - Orientation department will fix students with specific educational needs that must assist to the special education classroom as a function of their degree of disability, difficulty, disadvantage and curricular competence
            - Students with specific educational needs who do not attend to the special education classroom must be in their ordinary group with a programme of educational support or curriculum adaptation to be made by the faculty or correspondent department
            - Therapeutic pedagogy’s teachers in the classroom will help students with specific educational needs to attend to her teaching intellectual reinforcing specific programmes and special support according to the students

            The actions of orientation department in relation to measures of attention to diversity are the following ones:
            - The guidance department will help educational teams to identify students who have specific educational needs
            - The counselor will make a psychoeducational evaluation with the collaboration of didactic departments to measure curricular competences
            - The counselor and the PT teachers (Therapeutic Pedagogy) will advise on the design of elements of the Center Project, especially in the Curriculum Project, in relation to measures of attention to diversity
            - Guidance department will develop general aspects of the Base Programme of DC (Curriculum Diversification) and will issue the specific tutorials for this programme
            - PT teachers will advise educational teams in the preparation of curriculum adaptations, coordinated by the person holding the tutoring
            - PT teachers will develop, apply and evaluate specific support programmes and specialized educational attention required by the students with specific educational needs as the development of curriculum adaptation
            - PT teachers will participate in the evaluation process of students with specific educational needs and the promotion decision with the person holding the tutoring and other teachers, and assist in filling academic dossier and the evaluation report of these students individualized
            - PT teachers will participate with the head of the tutoring in the advice and guidance to the families of students with specific educational needs
            - PT teachers will develop and adapt materials to educational attention in special education classroom and will provide teachers guidance for the adaptation of curriculum materials and it support

            - Activities to realize before the student come into the class:
                        - He interviews with the family the same day that one presents in the school to formalize the matriculation. It will be a responsibility of the management team that one will organize to realize it depending on the personal and hourly availabilities.
                        - After obtaining the necessary information, it will report to the family it brings over of the general functioning of the school, materials, procedure …
                        - Valuation of the familiar information and of the pupil in order that his adscription to one or to another class of the level it is done in a most suitable and equitable possible way. For it the following criteria will be born in mind:
                                   - Number of students in every class.?
                                   - Number of children and girls in every classroom (to avoid imbalances)
                                   - Analysis of the percentage and characteristics of existing minorities, since some of them do not present any problem.
                                   - Number of students with emotional serious imbalances in every classroom.
                        - Resolution through consensus of adscription to one of the classrooms.

            - Activities of reception in class
                        - To teach the facilities of the school to the student; if it is possible, the tutor will do it, if not, another person will do it.
                        - To inform him details about the activities and school materials.
                        - Present and to inform to the specialists’ teachers about the new student
                        - Receive the student in the classroom so that he should feel covered. To dedicate a time for the presentations and the reception, developing a series of activities of reception of between the designed ones in the cycle, and compiled like: specific Activities of reception of students.
                        - It will be important:
                                   - Find a place adapted in the classroom, with the classmates who are considered to be more suitable. (Possibly let's have useful information after the interview with the family).
                                   - Accomplishment of activities - games of welcome.
                                   - To know and to announce the rest of the pupils the native land, in his case, of the student. For it, it will be useful and suitable that every cycle is provided and compiles physical resources, maps, murals, flags, to the effect.
                                   - Tutelary the student across the choice of a classmate, who will be his guide during the first days.
                                   - To realize an initial evaluation of Language and Mathematics to state the level curricular of the student and to see needs of attention: Support, Compensatory Education…
                                   - To realize a follow-up, for at least 15 days, it brings over of the integration of this student in the classroom, in the court in the dining room in his case, etc.


Surname: ............................................................... Name: ........................................ Nationality: ........................................................................................................................
Mother Tongue: ............................................................................................................ Degree of knowledge of the Spanish  language .................................................................

Number of siblings ........................................           Place that occupies ...........................
How does he behave with them? ...................................................................................... How does he behave with you? .........................................................................................
Does it coexist in the home with other persons? .............................................................. Does it tell them the things that happen to him? .............................................................. There is some peculiar behavior of the child that we should know? ................................ ............................................................................................................................................

From what age is it enrolled in school? ............................................................................. Comes from the school .................................................................................................... Has he been in some another college? ............................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ Is he interested for the school work? .............................................................................. Has he a level adapted for his age? ..................................................................................
Which does he believe that it can be the motive of this lack of coordination? ................ Are you hanging of that realizes the tasks? ...................................................................... Had he some problem with teachers or companions? ..................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... Any special situation that could affect to his performance? ..................................... ............................................................................................................................................

How many hours he sleeps? ...........
Does he wake up by his own to come to the college? ...................................................... Does he get up when he is asked to do so?....................................................................... Does he look tired or somnolent during the day? .............................................................

Pregnancy and childbirth .................................................................................................. Starts walking with ........ months and speaking with ....................................................... Has he some type of allergy or disease that we should bear in mind? ........................ ................................................ Does he take some medication? ..................................... Does he see and hear well? ...... Did you do any review to him? ………..............................
When he is sick there is any person who could take care of it full-time? ......................... If he becomes sick when it is in the college what telephone number might we call in order that you can come to look for it? ............................................................................. Entity of the Medical Insurance ......................... Number of policyholder ........................

In what does it use the free time? .....................................................................................
Has he friends out of the school? ..................................................................................... Does he know playgrounds of the neighbourhood?..........................................................

Does he want to use the service of dining room? ....... Every day? .................................. Does he know the existing grants? ....... Has he requested scholarship? ......................... Does he want to use the services of breakfast? ............................................................... Is he allergic to any food? .............. Does he like more or less all the food? ..................... Some observation on this topic ……………...........................................................................

Own or rented? ....................... Do you share it with any another person? .................... Has he a space adapted to be able to do his tasks? .........................................................

            - Choosing the moment and suitable place
            - Beginning with a positive comment
            2. TO DEFINE THE CONFLICT:
            - Being specifics: describing the behavior that it has provoked or provokes the conflict
            - Approaching only a problem
            - Avoiding insults, labels
            - Not accusing anybody and valuing the own responsibility for the conflict
            - Sending "messages with I": what supposes for me the conflict, how do I feel…
            - Putting in the place of other one: how another person will feel

            - To ask the implied pupils to raise alternatives
            - To expose as tutor alternatives to the conflict

            - The solution to the conflict must be in mutual agreement attending to the criterion "nobody wins, nobody loses" it is to say, must be satisfactory for both parts.

            - It is not enough reaching an agreement; this one must be fulfilled and be checked on both parts
            The mediation tries to solve a problem between two parts with different and seemingly incompatible interests.
            In difficult situations in which the dialog and the negotiation remain blocked, it is advisable to appeal a third person who facilitates the approximation between the parts.           To this phenomenon we are called him a mediation and to the personnel that realizes these functions, mediator.
            The mediator has to bear in mind the needs of both parts to understand the problem, to orientate and to stimulate an approximation of positions.
            This approximation must have as final aim, not only the agreement, but the improvement of the relations in the future.
            The mediation must promote the respect, stimulate the cooperation and communication between the parts, facilitate exits and negotiated alternatives and, finally promote the aptitude to solve problems and discrepancies.
            The intervention of the mediator will be requested by the tutor of/to the student, only in the cases for which there is valued the need of intervention of a third person:
                        - When the situation has become more radical and inflamed excessively and the implied parts are not capable of generating a process of approximation.
                        - When the needs and pretensions of the parts are far very much and the process of solution is complicated.
                        - When the troubled situation exceeds the school area and there is suspected that it could carry familiar unforeseen or slightly exact actions, which could aggravate the situation.
            The intervention of the mediator will be requested by the tutor across the Report of Registry of the troubled situation (Annexe VIII-1).
            The mediator will leave witness of his intervention in a Registry in which the development of the process will be gathered and which there will still have filed in Headquarters of Studies, previous information the tutor (Annexe VIII-2)

            Attitude before the study:
            - To be conscious that the study is something personal; every pupil has to do the effort to school or "to put in his head" all the knowledge that it must acquire.
            - A positive attitude is necessary before the study, knowing that if you strain you can obtain it, being very conscious that it is necessary to strengthen.

            Techniques that can help us:
            - Reading. It is important to gather all the information that you need. To find out well, you have to read the things several times until you have understood everything.
            - Underlined. After analyzing the information tidily, it is necessary to underline the most important ideas.
            - Summarize. To express with your words what you have learned, well in an oral way (you count yourself it to you itself) or of written form if the teacher asks for it us.
            - Memorize. Several times revise the summary in order that one does not forget you.

            Presentation of works:
            A well presented work will always be better and more amused to the eyes. For that you must take into account:
            - Thinking things correctly before writing, even making a draft for the absence of studs.
            - To write with a good letter that can be read without any problem.
            - To keep on the left side an adequate margin.
            - To separate the different sides of the work.
            - If we write in a leave, try that lines are correctly right.
            - To number the leaves and to take the paper trying not to let white sides except when it is necessary.
            - To make an index.
            - And do not forget to make a nice main page.
Suggestions to do a good exam:
            - To read really well the questions and to be sure of what we have to answer.
            - To express the ideas with clarity, to read again what you have written and to confirm that it is correctly redacted.
            - To write with a clear letter.
            - To be careful with spelling mistakes.
            - To try that the presentation is adequate.
            - When you have finished, read again everything to correct possible mistakes.

            Parents´ orientations:
            Parents are the responsible ones of the realization of homework that teachers order to do at home, so it would be useful to be concerned about:
            - To look at the agenda daily in order to know the homework they have to do.
            - To help the child to obey the timetable that has been previously established for it, remembering and requiring him to take off any other activity because it is their study time.
            - To be attentive to there are no distractions and he really uses the time.
            - Trying not to catch their attention through things that there are at home: loud TV, music, etc.
            - To encourage them sometimes and value the effort he is doing.

            Guidance for the students:
            - Before studying:
                        - Always start at the fixed time (it is easy to make it a good costume).
                        - To prepare the study place putting near us the materials we are going to need.
                        - To sit down on the place we have chosen to study (always the same) with all the necessities covered: to have had lunch, to have gone to the toilet, etc. for not standing up.
                        - To look at the agenda and prepare the materials needed.

            - During the study:
                        - To put in practice the same techniques that you use in class.

            - After the study:
                        - To read again the agenda to be sure that there is nothing forgotten.
                        - To tidy up all the material and prepare the schoolbag for next day.

            To overcome the tragedies, to get ahead after a traumatic situation, or to try something over and over again to achieve the objectives, is not the result of chance or of special people.
            It is an inherent response capacity to the human being, called resilience, through which it generates adaptative answers to situations of crisis or risk.
            This ability derives from the existence of a reserve of internal resources and coping adjustment, whether innate or acquired. This resilience strengthens protective factors and reduces vulnerability to risk.
            It is dynamic and varies over time according to circumstances, with the development of the individual or the system and the quality of stimuli with which they are exposed.
            To nourish and strengthen needs the social support and the availability of resources, opportunities and alternatives for setting serving as a protective factor.

            Interactive sources of resilience as Edith Grotberg, to face adversity, overcome them and leave them strengthened or even transformed are four:
            - “I have”: It means that the child understands and can claim to have people around they can trust and who love you unconditionally. People who set limits and show by their behavior the right way to proceed.
            - "I am": This is the child learns that it is someone whom others feel appreciation and affection, who is happy when he does something good for others and show them affection. He is respectful of himself and others.
            - "I am": The child is willing to take responsibility for their actions with the confidence that he can get.
            - "I can": Refers to the ability to talk about things that frighten or disturb you, to find ways to solve problems, control when you feel like doing something that is not well and find someone to help when needed.t what he wants.
            - Helping children to identify their feelings and those of others, and express them with words and appropriate ways.
- To use phrases like "I know you can do" to promote their autonomy and strengthen their faith in their ability to solve problems.
            - To clarify the rules and regulations and encourage comply.
            - To challenge them to take the place of others and be kind.
            - To help them to learn to accept responsibility for their actions and understand that their actions have consequences.
            - To praise desirable behavior and progress, such as when ordering their things, brush their teeth, or are able to express anger without having a tantrum.
            - To show them what is appropriate behavior when they encounter problems or fights at school, encouraging them to seek help and try to resolve conflicts through dialogue.
            - To accept mistakes so they know they can make mistakes without feeling too much stress or fear of losing the approval of reference adults (parents, teachers ...)
            - To reassure v stressful situations or excitation, using a soft voice to calm them, hug them, encourage them to take a deep breath and count to ten to calm down before talking about any problems.
            - To prepare to face adverse situations recreating them through stories or stories




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