lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

Group of experts

Today we have done an activity called “Group of experts”. In this activity we have put ourselves in groups. Each group were experts of one topic and, with some information that the teacher gave us, we had to prepare it to explain it later to others groups. The difference between a presentation and this activity is that after doing this, a person of each group went to another group to explain them the contents that he or she got. By doing this, we made new groups composed by people from all the first groups, so they could share information.
The aim of this activity was to focus in the Spanish context what we have learned in general about School Guidance and Counselling in our previous presentations.
The topics we had to become experts of were the following ones:
            1. Spain: Guidance and Counselling in Early Childhood.
            2. Spain: Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education
            3. Spain: Guidance and Counselling in a Lifelong Learning Approach.
            4. Spain: Support Measures for Learners in Adult Education and Training.
As we have seen, it was a collaborative activity. It was a very good activity because it is a dynamic way of learning new things. I find it also interesting because it is a way of giving responsibility to the student and this make him feels good and important, he feels that he has a role in the class and that he are someone in it even being a student. The responsibility in this case was telling the information of his first group to other people that did not know anything about it.

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